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老人家庭或行動不便者。/ Family with elder or persons with limited mobility.


斜坡板, 橫拉門, 水平把手, 止滑條

隨著年齡的增長,腿部的肌肉逐漸衰弱,使我們更容易絆倒和跌倒。 家中需要無障礙門的主要原因是為了減少腿部無力的人在房子裡走動時跌倒和受傷的風險。
如果家中的門是透過推或拉(鉸鏈門)來打開和關閉的,那麼隨著年齡的增長,便可能雙腳會難以跟上而被卡住。 此外,當坐輪椅進出時,旋轉門需要輪椅不斷地前後移動,這可能是一種負擔。
As we age, the muscles in our legs may weaken, making us more prone to stumbling and falling. However, the installation of barrier-free doors in your home can significantly reduce this risk, providing a sense of protection and security for individuals with weak legs. Moreover, these doors facilitate easier movement for wheelchair users, further enhancing the safety and comfort of your living space.
Hinged doors may become challenging to use as we age, and they require constant movement of a wheelchair back and forth, which can be burdensome. In contrast, sliding doors have many advantages over hinged doors for creating a comfortable living environment, especially for barrier-free living.

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